#!/bin/bash #set -e ################################################################################################################## # Author : Erik Dubois # Website : https://www.erikdubois.be # Website : https://www.arcolinux.info # Website : https://www.arcolinux.com # Website : https://www.arcolinuxd.com # Website : https://www.arcolinuxb.com # Website : https://www.arcolinuxiso.com # Website : https://www.arcolinuxforum.com ################################################################################################################## # # DO NOT JUST RUN THIS. EXAMINE AND JUDGE. RUN AT YOUR OWN RISK. # ################################################################################################################## echo echo "################################################################## " tput setaf 2 echo "Phase 1 : " echo "- Setting General parameters" tput sgr0 echo "################################################################## " echo #Let us set the desktop" #First letter of desktop is small letter #desktop="xfce" #lightdmDesktop="xfce" #arcolinuxVersion='v21.03.1' #isoLabel='arcolinux-next-'$arcolinuxVersion'-x86_64.iso' # setting of the general parameters archisoRequiredVersion="archiso 51-1" buildFolder=$HOME"/alci-build" outFolder=$HOME"/Alci-Iso-Out" archisoVersion=$(sudo pacman -Q archiso) echo "################################################################## " #echo "Building the desktop : "$desktop #echo "Building version : "$arcolinuxVersion #echo "Iso label : "$isoLabel echo "Do you have the right archiso version? : "$archisoVersion echo "What is the required archiso version? : "$archisoRequiredVersion echo "Build folder : "$buildFolder echo "Out folder : "$outFolder echo "################################################################## " if [ "$archisoVersion" == "$archisoRequiredVersion" ]; then tput setaf 2 echo "##################################################################" echo "Archiso has the correct version. Continuing ..." echo "##################################################################" tput sgr0 else tput setaf 1 echo "###################################################################################################" echo "You need to install the correct version of Archiso" echo "Use 'sudo downgrade archiso' to do that" echo "or update your system" echo "If a new archiso package comes in and you want to test if you can still build" echo "the iso then change the version in line 37." echo "###################################################################################################" tput sgr0 exit 1 fi echo echo "################################################################## " tput setaf 2 echo "Phase 2 :" echo "- Checking if archiso is installed" echo "- Saving current archiso version to archiso.md" echo "- Making mkarchiso verbose" tput sgr0 echo "################################################################## " echo package="archiso" #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #checking if application is already installed or else install with aur helpers if pacman -Qi $package &> /dev/null; then echo "Archiso is already installed" else #checking which helper is installed if pacman -Qi yay &> /dev/null; then echo "################################################################" echo "######### Installing with yay" echo "################################################################" yay -S --noconfirm $package elif pacman -Qi trizen &> /dev/null; then echo "################################################################" echo "######### Installing with trizen" echo "################################################################" trizen -S --noconfirm --needed --noedit $package fi # Just checking if installation was successful if pacman -Qi $package &> /dev/null; then echo "################################################################" echo "######### "$package" has been installed" echo "################################################################" else echo "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" echo "!!!!!!!!! "$package" has NOT been installed" echo "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" exit 1 fi fi echo echo "Saving current archiso version to archiso.md" sudo sed -i "s/\(^archiso-version=\).*/\1$archisoVersion/" ../archiso.md echo echo "Making mkarchiso verbose" sudo sed -i 's/quiet="y"/quiet="n"/g' /usr/bin/mkarchiso echo echo "################################################################## " tput setaf 2 echo "Phase 3 :" echo "- Deleting the build folder if one exists" echo "- Copying the Archiso folder to build folder" tput sgr0 echo "################################################################## " echo echo "Deleting the build folder if one exists - takes some time" [ -d $buildFolder ] && sudo rm -rf $buildFolder echo echo "Copying the Archiso folder to build work" echo mkdir $buildFolder cp -r ../archiso $buildFolder/archiso # echo # echo "################################################################## " # tput setaf 2 # echo "Phase 4 :" # echo "- Deleting any files in /etc/skel" # echo "- Getting the last version of bashrc in /etc/skel" # echo "- Removing the old packages.x86_64 file from build folder" # echo "- Copying the new packages.x86_64 file to the build folder" # echo "- Changing group for polkit folder" # tput sgr0 # echo "################################################################## " # echo # echo "Deleting any files in /etc/skel" # rm -rf $buildFolder/archiso/airootfs/etc/skel/.* 2> /dev/null # echo # echo "Getting the last version of bashrc in /etc/skel" # echo # wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arcolinux/arcolinux-root/master/etc/skel/.bashrc-latest -O $buildFolder/archiso/airootfs/etc/skel/.bashrc # echo "Removing the old packages.x86_64 file from build folder" # rm $buildFolder/archiso/packages.x86_64 # echo # echo "Copying the new packages.x86_64 file to the build folder" # cp -f ../archiso/packages.x86_64 $buildFolder/archiso/packages.x86_64 # echo # echo "Changing group for polkit folder" # sudo chgrp polkitd $buildFolder/archiso/airootfs/etc/polkit-1/rules.d # #is not working so fixing this during calamares installation # echo # echo "################################################################## " # tput setaf 2 # echo "Phase 5 : " # echo "- Changing all references" # echo "- Adding time to /etc/dev-rel" # tput sgr0 # echo "################################################################## " # echo # # #Setting variables # # #profiledef.sh # oldname1='iso_name=arcolinux' # newname1='iso_name=arcolinux' # # oldname2='iso_label="arcolinux' # newname2='iso_label="arcolinux' # # oldname3='ArcoLinux' # newname3='ArcoLinux' # # #hostname # oldname4='ArcoLinux' # newname4='ArcoLinux' # # #lightdm.conf user-session # oldname5='user-session=xfce' # newname5='user-session='$lightdmDesktop # # #lightdm.conf autologin-session # oldname6='#autologin-session=' # newname6='autologin-session='$lightdmDesktop # # echo "Changing all references" # echo # sed -i 's/'$oldname1'/'$newname1'/g' $buildFolder/archiso/profiledef.sh # sed -i 's/'$oldname2'/'$newname2'/g' $buildFolder/archiso/profiledef.sh # sed -i 's/'$oldname3'/'$newname3'/g' $buildFolder/archiso/airootfs/etc/dev-rel # sed -i 's/'$oldname4'/'$newname4'/g' $buildFolder/archiso/airootfs/etc/hostname # sed -i 's/'$oldname5'/'$newname5'/g' $buildFolder/archiso/airootfs/etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf # sed -i 's/'$oldname6'/'$newname6'/g' $buildFolder/archiso/airootfs/etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf # # echo "Adding time to /etc/dev-rel" # date_build=$(date -d now) # echo "Iso build on : "$date_build # sudo sed -i "s/\(^ISO_BUILD=\).*/\1$date_build/" $buildFolder/archiso/airootfs/etc/dev-rel echo echo "################################################################## " tput setaf 2 echo "Phase 6 :" echo "- Cleaning the cache from /var/cache/pacman/pkg/" tput sgr0 echo "################################################################## " echo echo "Cleaning the cache from /var/cache/pacman/pkg/" yes | sudo pacman -Scc echo echo "################################################################## " tput setaf 2 echo "Phase 7 :" echo "- Building the iso - this can take a while - be patient" tput sgr0 echo "################################################################## " echo [ -d $outFolder ] || mkdir $outFolder cd $buildFolder/archiso/ sudo mkarchiso -v -w $buildFolder -o $outFolder $buildFolder/archiso/ # echo # echo "###################################################################" # tput setaf 2 # echo "Phase 8 :" # echo "- Creating checksums" # echo "- Copying pgklist" # tput sgr0 # echo "###################################################################" # echo # # cd $outFolder # # echo "Creating checksums for : "$isoLabel # echo "##################################################################" # echo # echo "Building sha1sum" # echo "########################" # sha1sum $isoLabel | tee $isoLabel.sha1 # echo "Building sha256sum" # echo "########################" # sha256sum $isoLabel | tee $isoLabel.sha256 # echo "Building md5sum" # echo "########################" # md5sum $isoLabel | tee $isoLabel.md5 # echo # echo "Moving pkglist.x86_64.txt" # echo "########################" # cp $buildFolder/iso/arch/pkglist.x86_64.txt $outFolder/$isoLabel".pkglist.txt" # echo echo "##################################################################" tput setaf 2 echo "Phase 9 :" echo "- Making sure we start with a clean slate next time" tput sgr0 echo "################################################################## " echo #echo "Deleting the build folder if one exists - takes some time" #[ -d $buildFolder ] && sudo rm -rf $buildFolder echo echo "##################################################################" tput setaf 2 echo "DONE" echo "- Check your out folder :"$outFolder tput sgr0 echo "################################################################## " echo