alsa-utils amd-ucode arch-install-scripts archinstall b43-fwcutter base bcachefs-tools bind bolt brltty broadcom-wl btrfs-progs clonezilla cloud-init cryptsetup darkhttpd ddrescue dhclient dhcpcd diffutils dmidecode dmraid dnsmasq dosfstools e2fsprogs edk2-shell efibootmgr espeakup ethtool exfatprogs f2fs-tools fatresize foot-terminfo fsarchiver gnu-netcat gpart gpm gptfdisk grml-zsh-config grub hdparm hyperv intel-ucode irssi iw iwd jfsutils kitty-terminfo ldns less lftp libfido2 libusb-compat linux linux-atm linux-firmware linux-firmware-marvell livecd-sounds lsscsi lvm2 lynx man-db man-pages mc mdadm memtest86+ memtest86+-efi mkinitcpio mkinitcpio-archiso mkinitcpio-nfs-utils modemmanager mtools nano nbd ndisc6 nfs-utils nilfs-utils nmap ntfs-3g nvme-cli open-iscsi open-vm-tools openconnect openpgp-card-tools openssh openvpn partclone parted partimage pcsclite ppp pptpclient pv qemu-guest-agent refind reflector reiserfsprogs rp-pppoe rsync rxvt-unicode-terminfo screen sdparm sequoia-sq sg3_utils smartmontools sof-firmware squashfs-tools sudo syslinux systemd-resolvconf tcpdump terminus-font testdisk tmux tpm2-tools tpm2-tss udftools usb_modeswitch usbmuxd usbutils vim virtualbox-guest-utils-nox vpnc wireless-regdb wireless_tools wpa_supplicant wvdial xfsprogs xl2tpd zsh # everything above comes from archiso releng folder ####################################################### ### ALCI ### ####################################################### ####################################################### ### PACKAGES THAT ARE REMOVED AFTER INSTALLATION ### ### VIA CALAMARES CONFIG ### ####################################################### #alci-dwm #alci-dwm-nemesis alci-calamares #alci-calamares-dev alci-calamares-config alci-calamares-config-btrfs #alci-calamares-config-dev #alci-calamares-config-hardened #alci-calamares-config-lts #alci-calamares-config-pure #alci-calamares-config-xanmod #alci-calamares-config-zen xterm ####################################################### ### PACKAGES THAT STAY AFTER INSTALLATION ### ####################################################### sddm bash-completion os-prober dex libxinerama make xorg-xkill xterm xorg-xrdb mkinitcpio-openswap ##### you can also use nmtui from the terminal networkmanager network-manager-applet ####################################################### ### EXTRAS ### ####################################################### ##### xorg applications xorg-server xorg-apps neofetch ##### Drivers for graphical cards #driver for virtualbox - xf86-video-vmware is dependency #systemctl enable vboxservice #systemctl start vboxservice #to have fullscreen #virtualbox-guest-utils xf86-video-intel xf86-video-amdgpu xf86-video-nouveau nvidia nvidia-settings nvidia-utils ##### lightdm display manager lightdm lightdm-slick-greeter ##### sddm display manager #sddm #alci-sddm-plasma-archpaint ##### gdm display manager #gdm ##### want to have base-devel group base-devel ##### want to have linux-headers linux-headers ##### want to have a desktop alsa-lib baobab blueman bluez bluez-libs bluez-plugins cups dolphin-emu fish gnome-calculator gnome-menus gnome-screenshot gimp gparted kvantum libical lollypop lm_sensors ppsspp networkmanager network-manager-applet noto-fonts remmina retroarch retroarch-assets-ozone retroarch-assets-xmb steam teamspeak3 timeshift thunar thunar-archive-plugin thunar-volman vivaldi vlc xdg-user-dirs xorg qt5ct qt6ct xfce4-terminal xfce4-power-manager xfce4-taskmanager xfce4-notifyd xfce4-session xfce4-settings xterm zeitgeist ##### want to add/use the ArcoLinux repos #arcolinux-mirrorlist-git #arcolinux-keyring #test #arcolinux-wallpapers-git ##### want to add/use the Chaotic repo chaotic-mirrorlist chaotic-keyring #test #colloid-cursors-git ##### want to add/use your local repo packages ##### create your packages and put them in the local repo #There is a copy of the local repo in your folder #Copy/paste it to your homefolder #Change the name erik to your own username #update the database archlinux-appstream-data-pamac cemu duckstation-git dxvk-mingw-git emerald-gtk3 gamescope-git gamemode goverlay-git jdownloader2 lib32-mangohud lib32-vkd3d-proton-tkg-git libpamac-aur libreswan mangohud mangohud-common neofrog-git pamac-aur pcsx2-git protontricks-git rpcs3-git sublime-text-4 ventoy-bin vkbasalt vkd3d-proton-tkg-git wine-tkg-fsync-git winetricks-git yuzu-mainline-bin ## additional stuff cairo-dock-git-patched cairo-dock-plug-ins-extras-git cairo-dock-plug-ins-git ccsm-gtk3-git cemu compiz-bcop-git compiz-core-git compiz-fusion-plugins-experimental-git compiz-fusion-plugins-extra-git compiz-fusion-plugins-main-git compizconfig-python-git gis-weather gtk3-froggy libcompizconfig-git sc-controller-git ttf-comic-mono-git wine-tkg-staging-fsync-opt-git #### gind skel stuff gind-etc-skel-basic #gind-etc-skel-dirty #gind-etc-skel-games #wine-staging-opt-3.21 #### want have a btrfs format #### use alci-calamares-config-btrfs #timeshift #grub-btrfs #timeshift-autosnap git #grub theme alci-grub-theme-git