#!en;1.2.1 [Inclinated Plane] #e+[0;60] Inclination of the plane : #{In degrees, regarding the vertical position. It's a sort of inclination of the plane on the horizontal, giving the 3D feeling. So setting it to 0 means the plane is not inclined at all (vertical).} inclination=35 #b+ Use a flat separator instead of the defined separator icon ? flat separator=true #c4[0;1] If so, you can specify its color: #{red, blue, green, alpha} separator color=0.90000000000000002;0.90000000000000002;1;0.80000000000000004; [Caroussel] #e[.35;.75] Percentage of the dock's width that appears on the foreground : #{0.5 means the dock is half-folded, so half the icons are on the foreground, and half are on the background.} foreground ratio=0.5 #e[-10;50] Depth of the plane : #{The greater, the deeper. It is in fact the gap between background icons' bottom and foreground icons' top (in pixels).} gap on ellipse=10 #b Always show icons' face ? #{otherwise they will turn.} show face=false [Parabolic] #e[0.1;2] Curvature : #{it's the 'a' in y=k*x^a} curvature=0.10000000000000001 #e[0.1;10] Ratio height/width : #{not including the labels. The 'k' coef will be adjusted to preserve this ratio.} ratio=3.722 #e[0;1] Magnitude of the wave : #{0 means the wave is totally flat, 1 means the wave is identical to other views.} wave magnitude=0.187 #i[0;20] Space between icons and their label : #{in pixels.} text gap=2 #b Draw labels while unfolding ? #{It may recquire more CPU during the unfolding animation, except if you launch Cairo-Dock with Glitz.} draw text=false [Rainbow] #i[0;40] Space between rows : space between rows=10 #i[0;40] Space between icons : space between icons=8 #e[0;1] Magnitude of the wave : #{0 means the wave is totally flat, 1 means the wave is identical to other views.} wave magnitude=0.29999999999999999 #i[0;20] Number of icons on the first row : nb icons min=3 #e[60;180] Cone's width : #{in degree. The smaller, the more the cone is narrow. 180° means the cone is widely opened.} cone=130